I like turkeys. I wonder if the turkey population has spread throughout
the US like it has in Maine. If anyone out there knows the answer please let me know.
About a year and a half ago I attended a baby shower a few towns over from the town I live in. Most of us arrived early as it was a surprize shower. While waiting for the guest of honor to arrive we stood around outside and visited with each other. Apparently, this tom turkey who lived next door became curious about what was going on and mosied on over to check things out.
His owner discovered he was missing and came over to the grange hall where the shower was held to retrieve her pet. But, the turkey did not want to go home. He was enjoying all the attention. Finally, Jenna, the expectant mother, showed up. She was surprised about the shower and she wondered who invited the turkey. We all got a good laugh out of it.
Finally, we all went inside the grange hall to celebrate Noah's upcoming arrival. I'm sure he
will get a kick out of hearing about how a turkey came to his baby shower!
My sister, Stacey, lives in Maryland. She has a farm and is raising turkeys for other people's Thanksgiving dinners. Dday for these turkeys is coming right up. Stacey has a blog called Fresh MacKenzie if you want to check out what's going on at her place.
As I said at the beginning of this blog, Maine has a huge population of turkeys now. My husband and I have a running joke about this. One of us will say to other one, "I saw some of your family today. They were walking through a field." :) Tune in next time for a story called "Do You Know The Way To San Jose?" It's a story about Thanksgiving. Happy Halloween everyone. Be safe.