My sister, Molly, drove down a day before I did. And it's a good thing she did or we would probably still be looking for the condo! We started out mid-morning the next day. As I remember, it was a beautiful summer day; perfect for driving.
It took us hours to pack. The roof of my 2003 Ford Escort station wagon reminded me of the Beverly Hill Billies as everything but the kitchen sink was tied to the top of the car, including a commode/pot chair. I'm sure we did not go unnoticed down the highway!
The trip was fairly uneventful for most of the way. We made a lot of stops along the way so that Sherman could move around and stretch. It took us 13 or 14 hours to get there and then we got lost! Of course, it was dark and raining which made everything harder to see. I think we drove at least ten miles beyond where we should of turned off before we realized we were going in the wrong direction. All I can say is THANK GOD FOR CELL PHONES! What did we do before they were invented?!
When we travel I like to drive and my husband likes to keep an eye on the map. But, when the going gets tough things don't always work out that way. I have to say that our worst arguments have been over finding a destination. I called my sister, Molly and she talked us through it until we got to the condo. By then it was at least 11 pm! Sherman was not happy and neither were we. The condo was on the second floor so we had to take everything up via stairs or the elevator. Not fun when you are tired.
Finally, I got Sherman settled into bed and my husband and I collapsed in bed shortly afterwards.

Rehobeth is pretty, but very commercialized. It was not really my cup of tea. I prefer a little adventure to nonstop shopping and lying in the sun. Sherman, on the other hand, didn't like any of it. He suffers with dementia and nothing was sitting well with him. After all, I had taken him out of his familiar environment. It made his dementia worse. Things seemed to be going down hill fast. I pretty much regretted going to Rehobeth Beach from the minute I landed there.
We suffered it out for a few more days but then both my husband and I just wanted to go home, not to mention the Sherman was practically yelling it from the rooftops! So, 4 days into our vacation we set for home and we were never so thrilled to get home as we were from that trip!
Sherman is pictured above at a Christmas partly last December with my dear friend, Marie.
I learned a big lesson from that trip. Sometimes people just don't want to go on vacation and when you take them you are not doing them or yourself a favor!
My ex would never go on a family vacation so I learned that if my kids were ever going to get anywhere I would have to do it alone. And I did! We made four trips to Disney World by ourselves, one trip to California with just myself and then 8 year old Ben. Now I travel alot more with my second husband, places like Jamaica and Antigua! He even took my two youngest on a family trip to Jamaica a few years ago!