This time last year my husband and I left for a 2 week trip to Great Britain. It was my dream come true since I was a little girl. I have always been fascinated with England especially. We flew out of the airport in Owls Head, Maine as it is close to where we live and we didn't want to deal with long term parking in a bigger airport.
We left in the afternoon of a very rainy day. In fact, the plane almost didn't fly. Thankfully, though, the plane did fly and we made it to the Logan Airport in Boston in the nick of time. We then boarded a jumbo jet that flew us overnight to Heathrow Airport in London, England. It was not a fun trip. I highly recommend flying first class if your plane is in the air for 4 or more hours. It is very uncomfortable trying to rest in, what I would call, a sardine can.
Heathrow Airport
By the time we arrived in England we were exhausted and grumpy. But, we had to forge ahead and find transportation to South Hampton where our 4 day cruise to Ireland was leaving from on that very day. After much ado we figured out we could take a bus right out of the airport to South Hampton. What a beautiful trip! We road from London all the way down to South Hampton where the Titanic sailed out of. We were very excited. 
View of South Hampton from our balcony on the ship.
Once in South Hampton we hailed a taxi that took us directly to the ship and we boarded. Our room was awesome and we had a balcony. In fact, the entire ship was so beautiful and all encompassing; like a small city unto itself. Shortly after the ship was underway we grabbed something to eat and took a nap. We wanted to rest up for the big show the ship's crew was going to put on that evening. We weren't disappointed.
I think I will end part one right here and pick up part two when we arrive in Cork, Ireland. See you soon......