10 things invented by women
1. Clothes wringer/mangle In 1880, an African-American woman named Ellen Elgin invented the clothes wringer. Sadly, she never made a fortune, selling her patent rights for a pittance because she believed if white women knew the wringer was invented by a black woman they wouldn’t want it.
2. Suspension bridge supports. Invented in 1811 by Sarah Guppy, 41, from Birmingham, UK.
3. Windscreen Wipers Invented in 1903 by 37-year-old Mary Anderson, 37, from Alabama, USA.
4. Hydrometer This instrument, which calculates the relative density of liquids, was invented in around 400AD by Hypatia of Alexandria, Egypt and is still in use today.
6. Paper bags Invented in 1871 by Margaret E Night, 32, from Maine, USA.
7. Computer programming In 1843 aged 32, Ada Lovelace from London, UK, wrote the world’s first computer programmes for the Analytical Engine – an early mechanical computer invented by Charles Babbage.
8. Feeding device for amputees Bessie Blount, 37, an African-American physiotherapist who worked with soldiers injured in World War II, invented an electrical device that allowed amputees to feed themselves in 1951.
9. Disposable nappy Invented in 1950 by Marion Donovan, 33, from Indiana, USA.
10. Dipped headlights Invented in 1908 by Emily Canham from London, UK after being dazzled by the headlights of the newly invented automobile.
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Women's History Month is on facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Womens-History-Month/1229864677690561
Since I am a Maine girl I was very impressed to see that Margaret E. Knight, the inventor of the paper bag was born in York, Maine. I have posted a link to her biography beow:

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